Resources for the Fight Against Racism

For Parents

From the UMC

So What Now?

  1. Educate Yourself – You’ve got a good start reading these articles and books, but don’t stop there. Search the internet for more. Stay updated on the latest news and current issues.

  2. Listen and Seek – Listen to the stories of the people of color around you. Hear their struggles. Seek out others’ stories and learn from them.

  3. Speak Out – That looks different for everyone. Whether it’s speaking out on social media, having the hard conversations with family and friends who display problematic behavior, attending marches, or any combination of the above, do it. It’s important to make yourself heard. Use white privilege as a platform to fight for other people and protect them.

  4. Donate – if you can. It may not be an option for everyone, especially in these lean times. That’s okay. Do what you can. Donate your time, if you don’t have money, or your skills, if you’re an artist or a writer. Do what you can to make people of color and their stories seen and heard.

Murfreesboro, TN 2020 | Photo by: Jason Reynolds

Murfreesboro, TN 2020 | Photo by: Jason Reynolds