Leaving the 99: Black Lives Matter

It’s hard to know exactly what to say in moments like this, except that something needs to be said. By as many people as possible. That something is the truth.

Racism is alive and well in America today. It has been so ingrained in our culture that it may be hard to find for those who don’t want to look. Though it might be hard to see our brothers and sisters in Christ being mistreated, beaten, and killed, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t look. Things must change.

We are called to be a part of that change. Christians are called over and over again in the Bible to fight for the oppressed and to be a source of advocacy. In fact, there’s a list of verses for you to peruse here. Isaiah 1:17 says specifically, "Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” George Floyd’s daughter, Gianna, is now fatherless at only 6-years-old. Eric Garner’s wife, Esaw, became a widow in 2014. Certainly, many of us have failed to truly and fully fight for the justice that God is calling for here. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t start fighting.

In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, the country has come alive with unity and righteous rage. People of every background, color, and belief have come together to put a stop to police brutality and fight against the systemic racism that has run our country since its beginnings. Protests have occurred not only around the country but around the world. This problem runs deep, and we are here to see it through to the end. As a ministry on a diverse college campus, we have witnessed the incredible talents, wisdom, resilience, and joy of MTSU’s students of color. This campus would not be the same, would not be anything, without them. We give thanks to God for these students and all of the unique perspectives they bring. We give thanks that we can fight beside them when the world has oppressed them. We mourn for those that have been lost as a result of the police brutality and racism experienced. We mourn that any person had to experience fear simply because of their existence. No more, God cries. We will be here to fight for the rights of people of every color, nation, and sexuality until we live in the world of love and justice that God had intended.